Thursday, June 15, 2006

Vodafone Galore Part II

Sharp 902sh & Sharp 903sh

Sharp 903sh & Toshiba 903t

Courtesy pictures of my friend's collections.

Last but not least,i have a fetish for red phones.

Posted by Kenneth at 12:01 AM

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Vodafone Galore Part I

Recently laid my hands on some japanese toys.beauties indeed,will post up some pictures of my collections.

Sharp 905sh

Comparison of sharp 904sh,sharp 905sh and Toshiba 904t

Sharp 903sh-Black

stay tune for more pictures when my new toys arrive in a few days time....

Posted by Kenneth at 8:05 PM

Monday, June 05, 2006

Why me?

I met a customer to settle a deal on saturday.As I sat on the bus waiting to arrive at my destination, I saw a lady in her 50s walking from the front end of the bus towards me. She stopped in front of me, took out a little green booklet and mumbled something about the Soka centre in Tampines to me.

I asked politely,"madam,what is soka centre?"

She replied saying that the soka centre is a place to worship Buddha and is good for the soul and that I MUST be present during the night to enjoy its benefits.(I strongly emphasize the word MUST) she continued and rambled on...

She spoke incessantly for what seemed like eternity. I nodded my head while replying "ok" in response whenever I thought she was about to go away. I probably did that for no less than 20 times. Eventually, she did go away much to my relief, but that was only when she had reached her stop.

As she walked away, I looked around and surveyed the bus.....

Damn, so many people on the bus and she had to pick me???? She even walked all the way from the front to the back......

And from there I remembered the evangelists who roamed the streets, talking to strangers and trying to convert others to their faith. Never knew that a buddhist would do that as well..... If she had talked to a person who is a firm believer of another religion, she could have deeply offended someone. But then again, I might not be the only one she approached....

I suppose it is a person's good intention to want to share something which one feels is good or is beneficial to others. However, religion is something which is very personal and sensitive. It is like trying to stuff morsels of durian meat down an caucasian's throat. I may find durian to be the tastiest thing to exist in the fruit kingdom but it may not go down well with others. I might just get mauled by a durian shell wielding caucasian.

Therefore, no matter how good one's intention is, one should be careful not to offend someone when sharing their religion with strangers. They might just do more damage by giving their religion a bad name. Hope that I was the only person the old lady ever approached.....

Posted by Kenneth at 12:20 PM